Lego Recount

On a cold Wednesday morning Mrs Moala said  that we should do a Lego challenge. The row we were in determined what team we were in. After getting into our teams we planned what we were going to build. We went into a circle and shared our ideas to our group. Jilliane decided that we should build a plain grey fridge that could open. The shortest person in each team had a little bucket they could put lego’s in. Then 10 minutes into the challenge Mrs Moala said to get the 2nd shortest person to come to her. They each put their hand in a box and choose 2 lego pieces. Mrs Moala said “ The colour of the lego pieces that the person in your group picked up is the colour you’re only allowed to use!”. We got red and black which was good cause a red and black  fridge would look nice we thought. Suddenly everything was going the way we didn’t expect it was. Everything was falling apart so we had to break it down and decided to build a couch. With only 5 minutes left our couch looked nothing like a normal couch Jilliane and Cullai said “I’m going to build a small car quickly”. We all helped each other but Maua put a small Lego piece where no one could grab it. We quickly broke it down, took the piece off and built the car. With only a few seconds left we did the final finishing touches and then the buzzer went off. Ding Ding Ding! The buzzer stopped and everyone’s hands were on their sides. Then the tallest person on the team picked their masterpiece up and put it on the I mac table.

Mrs Moala carefully and quickly put a cloth over it so no one could see what the other team built.

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